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Org Chart

Department Divisions

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Uniform Patrol Division

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Patrol operations are what most people think of when they think of a police department. Officers in squad cars drive around talking on mobile radios, responding to calls for service.

“Patrol” is the stuff shows like “COPS” are made of and has historically been referred to as the backbone of policing. It still is – it’s just that in addition to the traditional model of driving around until the next radio call comes in, our officers are also community police and liaison officers, evidence technicians and field training officers. They are visiting day care and community centers, doing crime prevention surveys, helping out visitors to our country and the campus.

You may see our uniformed officers riding bikes, motorcycles, ATV’s, or walking, collecting data for problem solving initiatives. But while they are doing all this, if you call 9-1-1 or our non-emergency number, it is the patrol officer that gets the call. It is the patrol officer that is our first responding presence to any situation and it is the patrol officer that forms the public’s image of our police department.

We are very proud of our patrol officers and all that they do every day and night to make our community a safer and friendlier place to be.

Our officers enforce traffic laws on campus to ensure a safe environment for those students, staff and visitors driving on campus. They conduct speed enforcement, cite violators for running red lights, and perform other enforcement duties as directed.

They also investigate crashes on campus and completed the necessary reports and if applicable, issue citations to the at fault drivers.

Our officers also provide dignitary escorts for VIP’s and high level government officials that visit our campus.

  • All state traffic and pedestrian laws apply on campus
  • Citations are Florida Uniform Traffic Citations and Moving Violations will accrue points on your driver’s license. For more information on violations visit


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Criminal Investigations Division

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The University of Central Florida Police Department maintains a Criminal Investigations Division to investigate crimes that occur within the university community.

These investigators are sworn police officers with special training in interview skills, investigative techniques, surveillance tactics and criminal procedures.

The Investigations division also handles search warrant affidavits as well as computer crime investigations.

The Investigations Unit works out of the main police building and is available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., but one Investigator is always on call.

  • UCFPD employs Criminal Investigators that are overseen by a Commander
  • UCFPD Investigators follow-up on initial reports filed on crimes that occur within the university community.
  • Our Criminal Investigations Division also employs a evidence technician and a crime analyst.


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Community Partnerships Section

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The University of Central Florida Police Department Community Partnerships Section is responsible for promoting, operating and reviewing safety programs for the university community. Officers are tasked with implementing crime prevention methods, facilitating self-defense programming and interacting with students, parents, faculty and staff.

This group presents at all orientation sessions, where officers explain to students the various functions of the police department and programs to keep them safe. Parents also get to speak with officers about the safety practices here at UCF. Tabling takes place during the lunch periods so students and parents can speak with officers about issues that concern them.

We enjoy attending and participating in any community events as well as providing safety information to any requesting Registered Student Organization (RSO). RSO’s are encouraged to reach out to the Community Partnerships Section for any specific needs.

Finally, community partnership officers are the first point of contact at the Police Department for the internship program. This program operates during the fall and spring semesters. Interns will be assigned to various areas throughout the agency to gain experience and knowledge in the areas which fit best.

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Community Service Officers

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The University Police Department employs civilian Community Service Officers to assist the Department in providing services where an armed law enforcement presence would not be necessary. This greatly enhances the departments capabilities to serve the University Community.

Our Community Service Officers take reports of over with misdemeanor crimes, issue parking citations, assist with securing and opening buildings, tow vehicles that are in violation of parking regulations (reserved space violations) and also investigate minor crashes.

They completed an in-house training program and are identified by their unique, light blue shirts and police patches with the word “CIVILIAN” prominently displayed above the patch.

Community Service Officers also provide services at the Rosen School of Hospitality Management and are the primary law enforcement presence on that campus during the day.

The University Police Department is very thankful for the assistance our Community Service Officers provide.

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The UCF Police Records Division is located in the main police building on Libra Drive. They maintain case files for all reports filed with the UCF Police Department.

They process all citations, arrest affidavits and other paperwork that is forwarded to the court system.

They also maintain UCFPD’s Clery Act Reporting Requirements.

  • Police Records are available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Police Records provides information to federal agencies conducting background checks on members of the UCF community.
  • The Records Division also conducts fingerprinting and notary services.


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Communications Center

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Our Communications Center is located in the main Police building on Libra Drive. It is staffed 24 hours a day by highly trained communications personnel and dispatchers.

These dispatchers handle the 911 Emergency Phone System, answer the Blue Light Phones on campus and provide assistance to visitors on campus as necessary.

These dispatchers serve as a lifeline to our officers in the field and are responsible for sending them on calls, providing up to date information, checking driver’s information, checking for criminal histories or warrants and coordinating with other agencies as needed.

We keep track of all of our call activity via a Computer Aided Dispatch system or CAD. This system provides our officers with real time data via their mobile computers in their patrol vehicles and also maintains a permanent record of our activities.

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Department of Emergency Management

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The Department of Emergency Management prepares the University of Central Florida by enhancing partnerships and coordinating all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the University’s ability to mitigate, protect, and prevent against; respond to; and recover from natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards.
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Department of Security

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The Department of Security’s mission is to maintain the highest level of security at the University of Central Florida. We accomplish this by researching, implementing, and enhancing security technologies, leveraging on industry best practices, and raising awareness to improve the quality of life for the UCF Community. Our goal is to enhance security by maintaining a secure and open environment where the safety of all is balanced with the rights of the individual.
[button href=”#”]Department of Emergency Management[/button]

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Specialty Units

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K9 Demonstrations

The University of Central Florida Police Department has five K9s, all of which are used for explosive detection. The K9s are paired with a human partner and patrol the main and regional campuses.
[button href=”#”]Request a Demonstration[/button]

Law Enforcement Analyst/Crime Mapping

Performing detailed research and analysis on confidential criminal intelligence information, our analyst will develop tactical and strategic plans for addressing crime, developing and disseminating criminal intelligence bulletins (internally and externally) and supporting law enforcement investigative personnel with tasks associated with criminal background information.

Evidence Technician

Our crime scene technician handles the documentation, photography and collection of evidence at crime scenes. Our evidence technician is also responsible for the proper management, maintenance and dissemination of all evidence, safe keeping of property, and lost-and-found property collected by the UCF Police Department.